Friday, April 3, 2009

March "Top 10" Quotes from Perry Noble

Recently, I've joined the Twitter movement and is pretty interesting stuff. One of my favorite tweets is Perry Noble, pastor of New Spring Church in Anderson, South Carolina. These are my top 10 favorite tweets from him in March.

Fear of failure is one of the quickest ways to remove God's blessing from a church!

One of the mistakes I've made as a leader is always expecting God to show me the EASY way instead of asking Him for the right way!
(People often look for the road to "least resistance.")

Positive change can never take place until a person (or organization) is willing to admit the truth and then do something about it!

If you don't learn to handle insecurity then it will handle you! (Currently learning this lesson!!!)

Church services SHOULD be WAY more exciting than March Madness! If Jesus isn't boring then His people and His house shouldn't be either!

Many people say they desire change...few people actually possess the passion & courage to make it happen...and they are the difference makers!

How long should we invest in something that is not making progress? Wait! Denominations have been doing that for years!!!

Getting obsessed with routine and ritual is one of the quickest way to become irrelevant. (Currently learning this!)

If the Great Commission is taken seriously...a church cannot stop growth. If it isn't then a church defends its "right" to "stay small!"

You can tell what kind of ministry you have by who your church is attracting...and also who your church is ticking off!

Share a comment on your favorite quote from above and why!

1 comment:

  1. Regarding #4, I have seen some cases where the denomination sees themselves as a support role for the local churches. I appreciate the partnership with Blue Water Association where the DOM (Marc Bewley) is huge supporter of Lakepointe Church.
