One of the things to know about Michigan culture, especially in Macomb Township: most people have a cabin or a camper, and during the holidays and summer, everyone travels "up north" to their favorite spot. Instead of thinking "well, it's going to be a low-attended Sunday", about a month ago, our team came up with the idea to "counter" the low attendance by doing an outdoor service and cookout.
Immediately, we started to talk about it, we made flyers and doorhangers, and started to broadcast the special service. We wanted to leverage this service to the best we could. On Thursday night, we handed out 2,000 doorhangers/flyers. We facebooked about it. We contacted everybody either by phone or email.

Here are the highlights of the day:
- Approximately 120 people attended, which is one our highest attendance since Launch Sunday (300).
- Two decisions for Christ!
- Several 1st time guests - met two families that came because of the doorhangers! Thanks to those came out to help on Thursday night. It was absolutely worth it!
- The band did a great job!
- The weather was great - it was unusually warm. Everyone left with a farmer's tan!
- This was our first real test to see our people volunteer and go the extra, extra mile! Thanks to all those who help today! This is how the church should function: not the "pastor doing it all", but EVERYONE is doing something! Personally, this was the highlight of my day! This is what makes the church "unstoppable" - when everyone sees that it's not about them, but that it's everything about Him. We just serve and do our part.
- Oh, and I wore shorts! I'm pretty sure that some people were blinded by my white legs! Sorry about that. :)
- The post-service cookout was great! The grill masters and the "kitchen" ladies did a fantastic job!

- The set-up and tear-down team did an awesome job getting us ready for the service!
- We were able to get a pretty cool "bounce house" for the kids at no cost! Thanks to Kenny for hooking us up! The kids absolutely love it!

- "Rethinking Church, Rethinking Life" - glad that God gives me and our team an opportunity to start this new church in an area that needs it! We continue to pray that God will open more doors to reach more people for Him!
- We are planning to do another "outdoor service" this summer! Stay tuned for that info...
- I was just researching about riding on a Hot Air balloon. Sounds like fun. Cost about $200 per person. Ok, that's not happening anytime soon.
- Happy Memorial Day! Thanks to all who serve (or has served) in our armed forces - "All gave some, but some gave all."
Thanks to Lisa Bewley for the awesome photo ops!
Hiya Scott as Promised today I logged the links to the videos here on Blogger But I will convert them to MP4 for you as well. Thanks for today you Blessed me and my Spirit with wonderful food and fellowship~elisabeth