I was born in Royal Oak, Michigan on December 6, 1974. I was also born with hearing loss in both ears. When I was 2 1/2 years old, they diagnosed 80% loss of hearing in the high frequency range. This is why I cannot hear the ladies, especially when they nag! So ladies, if you like to speak to me, you must speak to me in a low "manly" voice. (For those who don't really know me, I'm just kidding - my hearing is NOT that bad.)
Since then, I've been wearing hearing aids which really help my hearing, but it doesn't quite solve all my problems. For example:
- Hard to hear in group conversation (hard to read a lot of lips all at once)
- Phone conversations are somewhat difficult (especially when they are talking too fast)
- People praying (can't read lips with eyes close - but I sometimes peak to look)
- Television (need closed caption)
- Songs (need closed caption)
- Radio (again, need closed caption)
- And did I mention nagging women (of course, I'm not talking about my wife. Karen never nags).
My hearing loss also gave me another problem - my speech. Soon, I will share with you in another post about how God has used my weakness to turn into His strength for His glory.
it's nice to meet you. i'm stopping by from the blog guild.